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Why we need vitamin D and where to find it.

Updated: May 12, 2020

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin as given sufficient sunlight, your body can make it all it needs of it, in fact the majority or our Vitamin D comes from the sunshine, no matter how healthy our diet is.

Vitamin D is made under the skin in sunlight. It works with calcium and phosphorous to maintain strong bones, teeth and muscles. Vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium, so even if you have a calcium rich diet, without enough Vitamin D, calcium can't be absorbed into bones and muscles.

Vitamin D is actually considered a hormone rather than a vitamin, as it also regulates activities in different parts of the body.

1 in 5 people in the UK have low levels of Vitamin D and deficiency can lead to sickness, fatigue, dental problems, hair loss, muscle pain and softening of the bones.

There are not many foods that contain a high level of Vitamin D, however oily fish, egg yolks, meat and milk contain small amounts. There are lots of products such as bread, cereals and yoghurts that are fortified with Vitamin D and can help provide it in our diet.

It has now officially been recommended that most of us should consider taking Vitamin D supplements between September and March when there is less sunlight and we are inside more. Some people should consider taking a supplement all year round, particularly office workers, housebound individuals, those over 65, and pregnant and breastfeeding woman. A lot of multivitamins don't contain high enough quantities (10mcg per day is encouraged), so read labels and opt for an individual Vitamin D supplement if necessary.

Another reason for getting outside into the sunshine, even if just for a short stroll!


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